Academic Quarter

On Wednesdays for three quarters of an hour

The lunchtime talks, taking place in loose intervals each semester, offer the opportunity to receive insights into the latest research areas from university colleagues in an informal atmosphere. Questions of research policy can also be addressed.

The Academic Quarter in the winter semester 2024/25

Academic Quarter
Academic Quarter

In 2024/25, the Academic Quarter takes place in the Wissenschaftsschloss:

S3|12 Room 251 at 1.15 pm Entrance via the ramp in the Parforcehof (courtyard at the Friedensplatz side, entrance Executive Board), there on the 2nd floor on the lefthand side.
How to find us


Your direct link to the Zoom sessions

Meeting-ID: 652 1595 9304
Passcode: 156806

6. November
Clemens Hübler / Institut für Statik und Konstruktion

20. November
Markus Biesalski / Makromolekulare Chemie und Papierchemie

22. January
Annette Andrieu-Brunsen / FB Chemie, AG Intelligente Membranen

"Offshore wind energy – a possible cornerstone of our future energy system?’

On the subject:
The energy transition presents Germany and Europe with great challenges. Offshore wind energy is expected to make a significant contribution to realizing the energy transition, but is this realistic? How expensive will our energy become if we rely on offshore wind energy, and what levers do we have to reduce costs? The lecture provides an overview of the status quo and current research priorities in offshore wind energy.

‘Where are innovative ways of using paper?’

About the topic:

Paper has been recognised for thousands of years for its unique property profile: bendable and foldable, high mechanical stability and a pore structure that enables pump-free transport of liquids. 

ts production and recycling can today be considered technologically optimised. Its image is environmentally friendly and supports the public's growing desire for sustainable and a more circular approach to materials.

Beyond its classic applications as printing, packaging and hygiene paper, it has also been the focus of attention in very demanding areas for some years now, e.g. in medical rapid tests, lightweight water-repellent materials and, more recently, in paper-based soft robotics. The lecture will discuss examples of such fields of application.

IANUS-Award at 4:45 pm

Short presentations by the award winners

In CYSEC-Gebäude am Kantplatz S2|20 Room No.117, 1st Floor

Academic Quarter How to find us

Sorted by semester and surname

The Academic Quarter sorted by semester

round 22 | WiSe 2023/2024

round 20 | WiSe 2022/2023

round 16 | WiSe 2020/2021

round 10 | SoSe 2017

round 9 | WiSe 2016/2017

round 8 | SoSe 2016

round 7 | WiSe 2015/2016

round 6 | SoSe 2015

round 5 | WiSe 2014/15

round 4 | SoSe 2014

round 3 | WiSe 2013/2014

round 2 | SoSe 2013

round 1 | WiSe 2012/2013

The Academic Quarter celebrated its 10th birthday in 2022!

This event format was started in 2012 as an IANUS contribution by Alfred Nordmann; FiF has taken over the lead in 2019. For the celebration, Alfred Nordmann himself presented as a speaker.