Since January 2018, IANUS is part of Forum for Interdisciplinary Research. IANUS activities are coordinated by the FiF office in accordance with the IANUS speakers and the FiF fellow responsible for IANUS issues.
The main focus of further work lies in the promotion of research projects on topics of scientific-technical peace and conflict research within the framework of the FiF funding programme.
To develop the idea of a German-wide unique scientific and technical peace research, a IANUS network group was founded at TU Darmstadt.
IANUS main topics
These are the current main topics:
- In order to promote IANUS topics, project outlines can be submitted as part of the FiF funding line.
- IANUS related as well as the events are organised with support of FiF. IANUS Award
- The study programme “MA International Studies/Peace and Conflict Studies” () as well as the interdisciplinary study focus Science and Technology Studies ( ISFK) are supported by members of the iSP W&T especially with regard to scientific and technical aspects. IANUS network group
- With regard to content, IANUS is particularly profiled by the Chair of “Science and Technology for Peace and Security” () of Christian Reuter ( PEASEC). Dept. 20
- IANUS incentives for and through the civil society are provided by the IANUS Association for Peace-Oriented Technology Design e.V. (e.g. in form of the project “”). IANUS-peacelab