IANUS Networking Group

Scientists and lecturers in the context of IANUS

Professors, staff and students of TU Darmstadt have formed the informal IANUS networking group, as there is currently no IANUS working group in a narrower sense. The group is committed to ensuring the continuation of IANUS.

Although the scientists and lecturers in the context of IANUS are not directly involved in natural science and engineering peace research, they do consider it to be important, are happy to participate in the discussions and are dedicated to the issues of peace research.

In order to structure the further development of IANUS in this spirit, the following professors initially met.

The spokepersons are Christian Reuter (Science and Technology for Peace and Security), Markus Lederer (International Politics), and Malte Göttsche (Peace Research in Natural Sciences).

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Professor Nico Blüthgen
Prof. Dr. Nico BlüthgenBiology
+49 6151 16-75411
Portrait von Jens Ivo Engels
Prof. Dr. Jens Ivo Engels Geschichte
Prof. Dr. Sybille FrankStadt- und Raumsoziologie
Prof. Dr. Malte Göttsche
Peace Research in Natural Sciences
S2|15 44
Prof. Dr. Nikolai HannigNeuere Geschichte
Picture: Mück_Klaus Tschira Stiftung
Prof. Dr. Nina Janich
Perspective Technology & Society
Applied Linguistics, Science Commiunication, German Studies
Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer
Technology & Politics
Political Science, International Relations, Environmental Politics
Picture: GSC-CE
Prof. Dr. Florian Müller-PlatheChemie
+49 6151 16-22621
L2|04 D306
Prof. Dr. Alfred Nordmann (im Ruhestand)Philosophy
S4/24 103
Prof. Dr. Tanja Paulitz Soziologie
+49 6151 16-57376
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ahmad-Reza SadeghiInformatik
+49 6151 16-25328
Prof. Dr. Liselotte Schebek ( im Ruhestand )
Bau- und Umweltingenieurs- wissenschaften
+49 6151 16-20720
L5 01 242c
Prof. Dr. André SeyfarthSportwissenschaft
+49 6151 16-24118