Tagung 2016 | URoBody
Users’ Body Experience and Human-Machine Interfaces in (Assistive) Robotics
The scientific network „Users’ Body Experience and Human-Machine Interfaces in (Assistive) Robotics“ deals with the body experience of subjects using assistive robots or other body/user-proximal robotic devices. The objectives of the scientific network are to explore the technical potential of improving experience by appropriate human-robot interfaces and robot designs. Therefore, the participants jointly analyse and discuss measures to assess experience and consider it in novel design methods. This includes the identification of promising perceptual channels as well as the preparation of foot- and hand-robots for the experimental investigation of rubber limb illusions and interface designs. Further, serious games are examined as a possibility to assess performance and stimulus-signal mapping. Currently, no organizational structure covers the range of aspects considered in this scientific network. Besides closing this gap, the participants plan a joint publication based on sharing knowledge within the scientific network. A mid-term goal of the network is to pave the way for further joint research and explore topics and issues for joint follow-up projects.
Objectives of the meeting:
- Introduction of network goals and participants
- Stimulation of exchange and discussion
- Keynotes and guest talks
- Integration of (post) doctoral researchers
- Kick-off of the network activities
(wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) Flyer/Programm
(wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) URoBody Tagungsprotokoll