FiF-Forum 2019 Copyright
How do we value creativity? On the current discussion about copyright.
When: 20 November 2019, 6 to 8 pm
Where: ULB Vortragssaal, S1|20 UG
Who: Lecture by Dr. Jessica Sänger (Frankfurt/Main), Respose by Katharina Uppenbrink (Initiative Urheberrecht e.V., Berlin) and panel dscussion with Dr. Jessica Sänger, Katharina Uppenbrink and Prof. Thomas Stäcker (ULB, TU Darmstadt).
Copyright issues have been the subject of controversial debates in recent weeks and months. On 26 March 2019, the European Parliament adopted the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, which was also agreed by a majority of the EU Council of Ministers on 15 April 2019.
The discussion about this directive has often been shortened to the so-called “upload filters”, there was even talk among net activists of “censorship” and the end of freedom of expression. The lecture examined the background of these controversies and showed what is actually under discussion in the controversial copyright directive – and why it is an issue for the question of creativity. A panel discussion provided an opportunity to raise other facets of the issue.
About the speaker:
Dr Jessica Sänger is an in-house lawyer at the German Publishers & Booksellers Association (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels), where she has headed a staff department as Director of European and International Affairs since 2016. In this role, she is responsible for representing the interests of the book industry towards the EU and the United Nations.