FiF Forum 2023 on the topic of “New Culture of Conversion”

with Reiner Nagel

A FiF Forum on the topic of “conversion culture” is planned for 1 June in cooperation with the Federal Foundation for Building Culture. The chairman of the foundation's board, Reiner Nagel, will hold the main lecture, supported by a response from the Darmstadt architect Prof. Dr. Karsten Tichelmann and Dr. Antje Brock from the Berlin-based Institut Futur.

Location and time: 1 June 2023 | Lichtenberg-Haus 6:00pm


“Cooperation as a basis for the New Culture of Conversion” Reiner Nagel, chairman of the Federal Foundation for Building Culture, Potsdam


“Reconstruction culture and quality – criteria and quantifiability of building culture” Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Tichelmann, TU Darmstadt Chairman of the Board of the Federal Foundation for Building Culture (Förderverein Bundesstiftung Baukultur e.V.)

“Building and Awareness – Education for Sustainability through Building for Everyone” Dr. Antje Brock, FU Berlin, Institut Futur

20:00-22:00 Welcome Reception and Long Table of Building Culture

Good conversations, statements and dining together

Please register under Bundessstiftung Baukultur “Offenes Forum Baukultur”
