Nanoporous polymers

Period: 9.2016 – 2.2018
Project team:
Dr.-Ing. Markus Gallei | M. Sc. Tamara Winter
FB 7, Makromolekulare Chemie
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Hardt | FB 16, Nano- und Mikrofluidik
Project description:
Scope and aim of this work is the generation of a fundamental understanding for such materials and their accompanying optical properties. Hybrid and monodisperse core-shell particles, which feature dimensions of 100 to 300 nm and which are capable of self-assembling to particle films, will be used as basic materials. The refractive index of the matrix material as well as homogenous pore formation should enable modulation of the optical properties of the materials. This project also comprises first evaluation of methods for incorporating bubbles and droplets into these 3-dimensional porous architectures for the envisaged switching capabilities of the optical properties.