Award for Sustainability

Award for Sustainability and Interdisciplinarity 2025

The Awards for Interdisciplinarity and Sustainability, offered by the Vereinigung der Freunde der TU Darmstadt, will be given again in 2025.

Awards for Sustainability and Interdisciplinarity

Die Vereinigung der Freunde der TU Darmstadt e.V. supports TU Darmstadt in its efforts to become a forward-looking university. In this context, attributes such as high-quality research and education, excellent research, international networking, sense of social responsibility, sustainability, openness to diversity, equal opportunities, mediation and interaction functions are important. The association particularly promotes activities leading to a change, networking and information gathering in the sense of this funding profile and increasing the external visibility of TU Darmstadt.

In the framework of these measures die Freunde der TU Darmstadt award prizes in a total value of 10,000 euros in cooperation with and with the expertise of Forum Interdisciplinary Research (FiF) and the Office for Sustainability at TU Darmstadt.

To the award winners 2024

Upload of the application documents

The deadline for applications is October 30, 2024. The award ceremony will take place in May 2025.

Application documents

You would like to support Freunde der TU? New members and donations are very welcome

Bank details of Freunde der TU Darmstadt:

Deutsche Bank Darmstadt


IBAN: DE97 5087 0005 0028 0222 00

Gläubiger-ID: DE22ZZZ00000425403