FiF DenkRaum 1.22

When technology polarises: Between hype and horror

2022/05/09 18:00-21:00

Date: 09.05.2022

Location: Lichtenberg-Haus | Dieburgerstraße 241 | Großer Saal

Moderation: Prof. Sebastian Faust (dept. 20), Prof. Petra Gehring (dept. 2) and Prof. Stephan Rinderknecht (dept. 16)

The one thing: what seems technically possible, which scenarios are planned by developers and which products of knowledge gained in advance go into the market. The other: how does the public actually react – even in the medium term? What “fits the time”?

And what causes hardened controversies or what even “crashes”? It is important for science to address the fate of technological knowledge 'out there' in economy and society.

More information about DenkRaum 1.22

Due to organisational reasons, only limited places are available. In particular, researchers from TU Darmstadt are invited to participate in the discussion. The event follows the hygiene rules of the TU-Darmstadt valid at that time.